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Writing News and Best Typos of the Month

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Writing News and Best Typos of the Month

People ask me all the time if I’m still writing, which I think means:

  1. They are trying to make conversation.
  2. I don’t market my books very well.

So, I’m going to make a bigger effort to talk about the fact that I am indeed writing. I’m working on multiple projects right now and my agent just put a book out on submission.

Good luck, little book!

Anyway, if you are jonesing (Get it?) for a Carrie Jones story, you can get weekly chapters (and read past things) over on my Patreon. Right now it’s a paranormal (adult) campground story and it’s ton of fun. I


On one of my Patreon sites I read and print chapters of unpublished YA novels. THE LAST GODS and SAINT and now ALMOST DEAD. This is a monthly membership site (Hear the book chapters – $1/month, read them $3-month, plus goodies!). Sometimes I send people art! Art is fun.

On this, my second site, WRITE BETTER NOW, you can do a one-time purchase of a writing class or get two of my books in eBook form or just support our podcast or the dogs. It’s all part of the WRITING CLASS OF AWESOME.

It’s a super fun place to hang out, learn, read, and see my weirdness in its true form.

And I’m starting up a brand new, adult paranormal set at a Maine campground. You can read the first chapter here.

almost dead book by carrie jones

The book I just turned in was trimmed from 115,000 to 75,000, which was a beast. I killed so many darlings. Hacked away so many ‘thens’ and ‘I saids.’ It was a bitter, bitter battle.

As a writing coach and editor, I help other people whittle down words all the time and that means? That means I get to see absolutely gorgeous typos, the kind of typos that make me so happy. Why? Because mistakes can be joyous. That’s why. 🙂 They mean we’re human. They mean that we’re trying.

I hope you’re trying this month!

Best Typos So Far This Month

Mom would like the dinking part

He pulled a car from his breast pocket and handed it to her.  

February’s Best Typo Awards

Other News

I’m going to be publishing the sequel to THE PLACES WE HIDE in the next couple of months. I just need a cover and someone else to copyedit it. I am TERRIBLY BAD at copyediting my own work. You can tell this by my blog.

And I’m working on a first draft for an adult paranormal that’s SO MUCH FUN! That’s not the title. It’s just really so much fun.

And a bit of a self-help memoir, which is the kind of book that I’m most afraid of writing. My agent doesn’t even know about it yet and I doubt she’ll read this so I think I’m safe.

Thanks for sticking around with me. I know I’m goofy and occasionally schmaltzy, but your support? It means everything to me.

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