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16 Random Facts About Me For A Wednesday

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16 Random Facts About Me For A Wednesday

Ok. I was tagged on Facebook for this and I sooooooooo didn’t understand the rules, so I deleted my response.

Here it is, better-i-fied. Consider yourself tagged if you want.

4 Random Facts

1) I have a Teddy bear with only two legs. I call him Teddy. My friends renamed him Peg Leg after a horrible slumber party accident. Jen Fonteyn you are on notice, babe!

2) I once cried in the vice principal’s office and I was a grown-up.

3) I have a super secret project. I always do.

4) I can write with my left and right hands.

4 Shortcomings

5) No matter how much of a feminist I think I am I still melt if people call me baby. Especially if those people are male and have lowish rumbling voices.

6) If no one else is home I forget to eat.

7) I am not very worldly, it seems.

8) I am phobic about skiing.

4 Habits

9) I exist. I think this is a habit.

10) I check my email whenever I get writers’ block.

11) I walk the dog three times a day.

12) Every Christmas I make the Playmobile Santa and the Playmobile Mrs. Claus have a little too much fun.

4 Goals (not writing related).

13) To be good at something.

14) To make the world a tiny bit better.

15) To wear a sleeveless dress without feeling naked.

16) To hike the AT despite the fact that I have to wear knee braces whenever I hike or run.

How about you? Let me know if you do this, okay?

My little, creepy book baby is out in the world because who doesn’t want sad, quirky, horror with some romantic bits for the holiday season?

It’s a young adult novel (upper) called WHEN YOU BRING THEM BACK, please buy it!

It’s super fun.

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